August 10, 2017 Customers of four California Chinese restaurants might have noticed a change in ownership and management at the locations during the spring of 2017 after the former owners and managers were arrested for wage theft and tax evasion totaling $6.5 million. The arrests also uncovered stories of immigrant workers who were housed in…
March 20, 2017 When Kathryn Otico spent 10 days at the Oakland International Airport training to work for Hawaiian Airlines, she expected to be paid for her time. But when training ended, Otico learned that Hawaiian Airlines had no intention of paying her. Otico became so upset that she filed a lawsuit against Hawaiian Airlines…
June 5, 2016 The Supreme Court ruled in favor of 3,000 workers from a pork processing plant who brought a single, class-action lawsuit against Tyson Foods Inc. to recover overtime pay. Businesses closely watched the case, hoping new limits on class-action lawsuits would be passed. Much to their dismay, the courts defended the use of…
December 30, 2015 Cars that run on water, windmills dotting the countryside, solar panels on every home in America—these are just a few pie-in-the-sky notions those hippie libs have concocted to help save the environment. But there’s another one that’s been gaining traction lately: nuclear power. Yes, scientists and tech entrepreneurs, many based in California,…
October 27, 2015 On September 21, 2015, a former peanut executive was sentenced to 28 years in federal prison for his involvement in salmonella poisoning in 2008 and 2009 that claimed the lives of nine people and resulted in illness for an estimated 700 others. The 61-year-old owner of the now defunct company was convicted…
While companies generally exercise some level of frugality and make financially sound decisions based on the needs of the business and the most cost-effective measures, actions by some large companies are raising questions in the minds of stockholders and the public. For example, the Walt Disney Company apparently terminated 250 American technology workers and outsourced…
April 17, 2015 California has long prided itself on being one of the most progressive states in the nation. However, its collective liberal attitude has thus far failed to result in the legalization of marijuana. This is despite seeing other bastions of liberalism, such as Washington and Colorado, pass ballot measures bringing the little green…
November 19, 2014 It’s hard to avoid talking about marijuana right now. This recent midterm brought legalized marijuana to two more states, Alaska and Oregon, along with the District of Columbia. That makes 4 states and our capitol who have accepted marijuana as a legal substance. It was nearly 5 states, but Florida’s vote failed…
November 5, 2014 Depending on how you look at it, Berkeley has either succeeded where over 24 cities and states have tried and failed, or failed where the others have succeeded. Berkeley is a suburb of San Francisco and home to one of the best-known California universities, the University of California at Berkeley. The city…
October 27, 2014 The California legislature has decided it’s time to allow undocumented immigrants into professional fields which require licensing. SB 1159 is a bill which will requires the 40 licensing boards overseen by the California Department of Consumer Affairs to disregard the legal status of applicants, and is set to come into effect by…