ualified animal attack attorney when you need it most.

We all love our family pets, but sometimes, often for reasons unknown, injuries can be inflicted by them. When these situations occur it’s important to find the right attorney who is capable of handling these delicate cases. Orange County lawyer John Rosenbaum has the experience you need to win your dog bite or animal attack case.

With over a 99% success rate, you can rest assured that John will not give up until he is confident that his clients have everything they need and deserve. Animal attack incidents are not always isolated to the initial injury, but will also include any complications following, such as an infection or psychological distress.

Laguna Hills Animal Attack Lawyer

Compassion and experience.

Generally speaking, the owner of the animal will be liable in cases of attack. Often they will have home owner’s insurance that will cover the injuries, so despite being accountable, they are not necessarily forced to take the entirety of the damages.

When it comes to animal attack injuries, there will be many possible variables at play that determine the amount of compensation owed. These will include hospital/medical bills, lost time at work and the less easily quantified pain and suffering. Have no doubt that as one of the best Laguna Hills animal attack lawyers in Orange County, John Rosenbaum will get you the settlement you need and deserve. But don’t take our word for it, read the various reviews of John’s services from around the internet here.

If you have an animal attack case and are in search of legal representation in Orange County, contact our firm today for your 100% free consultation. There is no obligation, and the advice you receive will be invaluable in determining the right course of action for you.

Results-driven efficiency.

With a career spanning over 40 years, John has developed a select network of top-tier medical professionals that are on call to help clients through their injuries. Your treatment will never be sub-standard. Thought a number of attorneys will place the greatest emphasis on profits, John cares most about his client’s comfort and outcome contentment.

Put my 30+ years experience as a Laguna Hills personal injury attorney to work for you. John understands the Orange County legal system (including the judges presiding over it) backwards and forwards. He know what will work and what is destined to fail. His experience will guide your case through the legal process with as few snags as possible. John can state with confidence that you’ll get the compensation you deserve, and he means it.

Get aggressive representation that works.

So if you or a loved one has suffered from a personal injury such as an animal attack, don’t wait and contact the best Orange County Personal Injury Attorney immediately. Get the help you need now by calling (949)586-6682 or contact the firm online to schedule a 100% free consultation and case evaluation. The Laguna Hills office has convenient and free on-site parking, located just off the I-5 at Lake Forest.

Need an Animal Attack attorney?